Whether it is one project, multiple projects, or you want a production plant for Foam Glass Gravel / Aggregates.
We are the competent partner with the most and longest experience in the world.
Our experienced team combines engineering competence with extensive production knowledge for manufacturing of closed cell foam glass gravel and open cell foam glass aggregates.
We install custom tailored melting furnaces, grinding mills, cleaning, sieving and blending units with the highest ROI.
Additionally our competence team deals with sourcing materials (a.k.a. urban mining), marketing and product education.
In Europe foam glass aggregates and foam glass gravel are established building materials for over 30 years.
In North America we were the first company who implemented foam glass gravel in construction projects together with cutting edge Architects and civil engineering firms.
We founded the Foam Glass Aggregate Acadademy to make the American construction compaies familiar with the best, latest, and most effiecient installtion methods.
Foam Glass Aggregates the building material of the 21st century.
Foam Glass Gravel has been used in Europe for more than 35 years and it is now available in North America!
Each project is different and we make it work. Project specific quotes will help you in the process.
we are your experienced partner for a building a Foam Glass production plant or to help with a project.
Our partners are experts from the USA, Switzerland, and Germany. 100 years of combined experience.